Experienced session musician and saxist, Ian Close has once again teamed up with TV and film composer, Dominic Beeton to produce these 7 exquisitely crafted tracks. Ian has been researching early sacred music from the 12th and 13th Century and has been transcribing the vocal chant lines for soprano saxophone. Dominic has been then laying his hallmark new age sounds underneath. The result is deeply haunting music, full of spiritual depth and massively relaxing and soothing. Featuring compositions from Hildegard von Bingen, Perotin and Ademar de Chabannes, Sanctus rediscovers these gorgeous pieces and reinvents them for the 21st century. This goes beyond Gregorian Chant which is a path well worn and forges new ground which resonates in these stressful times when people are searching for calm and peace from the loud din of electronic traffic that fills our minds. Sanctus means holy and this is truly a holy adventure for these 2 experienced musicians. The album will be promoted through churches and cathedrals in Europe as this is its natural home.